Inzetbaarheidskosten in mindering brengen op transitievergoeding: Checklist
Ingevolge de Wet werk en zekerheid zijn werkgevers per 1 [...]
Ingevolge de Wet werk en zekerheid zijn werkgevers per 1 [...]
Bekijk hier: Stroomschema nieuwe ontslagprocedure Wet Werk en Zekerheid TOELICHTING [...]
Op 3 maart 2015 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel [...]
The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice recently [...]
Minister Asscher van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid diende op 12 [...]
The recent decision of the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal against Uber demonstrates the challenges "sharing economy"-companies currently face in Europe. Similar (court) rulings have already been issued in countries like Spain, Belgium, and France. What legal issues are exactly at stake here? And how will governments respond to the rise and success of the sharing economy?
On November 19, 2014, the Dutch State Secretary of Justice enacted a law under which foreign startups can as of January 1, 2015 more easily acquire a residence permit in the Netherlands.
The European Court of Justice's recent decision in the “Parkwood-case†is a good example of how to address issues of TUPE-regulations and collective employment agreements. To what extent is the acquiring company required to respect collective employment agreements that applied to the acquired business before the transfer?
.S. companies acquiring a business in the EU can, under circumstances, be required to employ (part of) the employees of the selling company under the same employment conditions. In some cases this means that you'll also have to respect a previously negotiated collective employment agreement. When should U.S. companies be aware of this? And how does this work?
In 2012, the European Commission proposed a new general privacy regulation which will replace current European privacy regulations. If the proposed regulation is adopted then this will have a signifact impact on U.S. companies doing business in the EU.